The frescoes in the Imperial Hall

ground-plan of the Residence with Imperial Hall marked

This hall, definitely the most sumptuous of the Residence, is deservedly called "imperial". It was originally built for the emperor's visit and later used for balls and other festivities as well as the princely eating hall.

It is a very high, stretched octagonal hall (33m*17m) and contains three frescoes by Tiepolo.

The wedding-fresco

The fresco on the south side portrays the wedding of Emperor Friedrich Barbarossa to Princess Beatrice of Burgundy, which took place in 1156.

The enfeoffment-fresco

On the opposite side is a fresco portraying Bishop Herold being lent Franconia, the land of the Diocese.

Both of the above historical happenings were very important and were commemorated by the frescoes.

The ceiling-fresco

The ceiling is covered with a scene in which Beatrice is being brought to the Protector of the Land by Apollo.